Home Network Simulation in Cisco Packet Tracer
1. Objective:
Utilizing Cisco Packet Tracer, I sought to design and build a simulated home network system suitable for high network demanding users, such as remote workers and professionals. The design is made to ensure the safety of the users, by integrating modern cybersecurity standards.
2. Network Topology Overview in Cisco Packet Tracer:
Above is a topology diagram, built through Cisco Packet Tracer, which illustrates the network flow starting from the Cloud PT, via a 2901 router, through a 2960 24TT switch, to a WRT300 wireless router, which finally connects multiple end-point devices. The green triangles between the devices represents a successful connection.Above is the physical simulation of the networking.
A. Cloud PT (Packet Tracer Cloud
- The Cloud PT is a generic device that represents external networks/services not otherwise depicted in the simulation. It serves as a bridge between the simulated network and the internet.
B. 2901 Router (Cisco 2901 Integrated Services Router)
- This router is the part of the Cisco 2900 Series Integrated Services Router. It has the capabilities to deliver highly secure data, voice, video, and application services. In the home network simulation, its purpose is to function as the primary gateway that connects the internal network to the Cloud PT(The Internet).
C. 2960 24TT Switch (Cisco Catalyst 2960-24TT-L Switch)
- This switch is a fixed-configuration, standalone switch that provides desktop computers with Fast Ethernet connectivity. It has 24 Ethernet 10/100 ports and 2 10/100/1000TX uplink ports, which is used to interconnect multiple devices within your home network, like the endpoint devices.
D. WRT300 Wireless Router
- Generic home wireless router, allows devices to connect to your network wirelessly.
5. Endpoint Devices (PC, Laptop, Smartphone)
- The devices that the end-users(like us) uses, such as the laptop, smartphones, etc.
3. Key Security Implementations
Wireless Security: I configured WPA2 encryption on the WRT300 wireless router, which ensures a respectable level of defense security against potential breaches.
4. Testing & Validation
Ping Test Results: I conducted a ping test between every devices that has a relevant connection, to validate that there were no errors in the connectivity between every devices. Below is the ping test results from the laptop to the WRT300 wireless router's IP address. As you see, there are constant replies from the wireless router, thus implying that the connectivity has no issues.
Conducting the ping test between the laptop and the Wireless Router yielded consistent replies, with minimum of 9ms, maximum of 34ms, and an average of 16ms response times. This indicates that the network is stable and is responsive.
5. Conclusion
Incorporating both efficient performance and security in a home network is crucial in today's digital world. This project provided myself with a brief understanding of the networking concept, as I had to not only learn specific ports and functions of each devices thoroughly, but to apply these knowledge on a simulation platform. The hands-on experience with configuring every network devices to establish secure connection was a slightly harsh learning curve, but as I practiced with each of these devices I got comfortable with configuring the devices through either the CLI or GUI.
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